Validity: 2019-12-30
Validity: 2019-12-30
Validity: 2019-12-30
Validity: 2019-12-30
Validity: 2019-12-30
Validity: 2019-12-30
Validity: 2019-12-30
Validity: 2019-12-30
Validity: 2019-12-30
Validity: 2019-12-30
Validity: 2019-12-30
Validity: 2019-12-30
Validity: 2020-12-25
Validity: 2020-12-25
Validity: 2020-12-25
Validity: 2020-12-25
Validity: 2020-12-25
Over the past nine years, weve helped organizations do everything from medical research, to buying books for local libraries, to helping clean up pollution from city rivers. This has only been made possible by you, and the over $13 million dollars that you have helped us raise. So, thank you.